Gospel opportunities
The city of London is home to an almost 600,000 strong workforce, most of whom do not yet know the Lord Jesus.
It has a workforce younger than the rest of the country, with a higher proportion of workers aged between 22 and 39 than England and Wales.
It is one of the most international workforces across the globe, with 42% of City workers coming from the European Economic Area (EEA) or the rest of the world.

Gospel convictions
This means there is great gospel need and great gospel opportunity in the city.
Apart from the gospel, city workers have no real hope in this life or the next. They need the gospel, for it alone is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes (Romans 1:16).
Our conviction is that people are saved as they hear and believe the word of Christ (Romans 10:13-17).
So we want them to have his word opened up to them.

Gospel at Work
To this end, the Gospel at Work network extends across London and partners with Christians working in the city by hosting weekly lunchtime Bible talks.
The talks are designed to fit easily into your lunchbreak - they are short and food is generally available or you can bring your own.
The talks enable Christian workers to make a stand in their workplaces, as they tell their colleagues that they are going to a Christian meeting.
They are informal, short and accessible Bible talks, held in venues close to workplaces to make it as easy as possible for Christian workers to bring colleagues along.
As Christian workers take time out of a busy day to hear from God's word, it helps them to grow in their own faith. Many of the talks also host discussion and prayer groups that meet midweek.
Finally, the talks give Christians the opportunity to speak about what they heard from the Bible as they go back to their offices.

Clear and concise Bible talks helping me and my colleagues to engage with the claims of Jesus Christ.

City lunchtime talks are a great way to invite colleagues to engage with the person of Jesus through clear and faithful Bible teaching.

They get my week off to the best start - and reminds me that I cannot separate my Christian life from work and keeps me grounded.