Why run a 'meal with a message' or a 'drink with discussion' for an individual or small group of close work contacts?
Good for people who wouldn’t easily come to a lunchtime talk or church.
Evidence from previous years: many have come who haven’t come to central events. Some people don’t even want to come to ‘easy invites’ like carols, but are happy to engage in this format, particularly alongside others they know, ‘on their turf’ in a pub/meeting room/café, where they’re relaxed, and at a time that’s convenient.
Even the big workplace ‘CU’-type events often attract other Christians or nominal Christians rather than out-and-out unbelievers.
Encourages us to invite people we wouldn’t invite to a central event.
We often cherry-pick. Taking responsibility for hosting something ourselves means we may throw the net wider.
Hosting a meal or drinks can be an expression of love.
It communicates less, ‘I want you to come to our religious event’ but rather I’d love you to engage with the message of Christ and I’m willing to put it on in a way that best suits you. Guests see that the Christian has gone out on a limb for them.
They help us grow as godly disciple-makers and ministers in our offices.
We become not only known as a Christian but known as a Christian who wants to teach others about Christ. Colleagues realise we are open to challenge and questions. When we host a meal or drinks we’re compelled to pray and to put our confidence in God’s word and not the big event/speaker/formal church programme. They help us start to engage in ‘1 Thessalonians 2’ ministry with people around us at work.
A great launch pad for ongoing engagement.
Sometimes a group will enjoy the experience and be willing to do it again – some weekly groups that look at a gospel or some CE courses have started this way. Some individuals have been willing to do a 121 or come to a lunchtime talk, central CE after coming. A handful have become believers in the last few years.
Gets the gospel intentionally on the table and opens up dialogue in a way that is harder to do with a spontaneous conversation or central event.
People will often open up and this helps us get to know our work contacts better.
A great way to engage local churches.
You could invite your local minister to give the talk and/or get your Sunday church praying for workplace mission.