available speakers
Speaker availability by date
This page is updated regularly. Please note speakers may be flexible.
Monday 24 March
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Simon Congdon
Marc Doring
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Simon Congdon
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
John Wood
Thursday 27 March
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Simon Congdon
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
Tuesday 1 April
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
Paul Williams
Wes Illingsworth
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Simon Congdon
Henry ET
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
John Wood
Will Trump
Friday 4 April
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Paul Williams
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Paul Williams
John Wood
Ali Blundy
Ziggy Rogoff
Paul Williams
Wednesday 9 April
Giulio Abortivi
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Wes Illingsworth
William Taylor
Giulio Abortivi
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
William Taylor
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
William Taylor
Paul Williams
Tuesday 25 March
Giulio Abortivi
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Simon Congdon
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Henry ET
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Simon Congdon
Marc Doring
Henry ET
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
John Wood
Will Trump
Friday 28 March
Ali Blundy
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
John Wood
Ali Blundy
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Simon Congdon
Ziggy Rogoff
Wednesday 2 April
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Paul Williams
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
Paul Williams
Monday 7 April
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
William Taylor
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Wes Illingsworth
William Taylor
Paul Williams
Thursday 10 April
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
Wednesday 26 March
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Callum Elwood
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Simon Congdon
Henry ET
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Simon Congdon
Henry ET
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
Monday 31 March
Ali Blundy
Jeremy Anderson
Tiff CW
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Paul Williams
Ali Blundy
Simon Congdon
Jeremy Anderson
Wes Illingsworth
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Paul Williams
John Wood
Jeremy Anderson
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Henry ET (5-7 pm)
Ziggy Rogoff
John Wood
Thursday 3 April
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Will Trump
John Wood
Paul Williams
Simon Congdon
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
Will Trump
Paul Williams
John Wood
Giulio Abortivi
Jeremy Anderson
Wes Illingsworth
Simon Pilcher
Ziggy Rogoff
William Taylor
Tuesday 8 April
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
William Taylor
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Marc Doring
Simon Pilcher
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
William Taylor
Friday 11 April
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Callum Elwood
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
Giulio Abortivi
Ali Blundy
Tiff CW
Marc Doring
Wes Illingsworth
Paul Williams
About the speakers
Abraham Sin
Abraham has a background in classical music, HR and safeguarding. He now works full-time for St Helen’s Bishopsgate. He has personal links with Catholicism/Anglo-Catholicism, Buddhism and Hinduism, and enjoys sharing about how the Bible interacts and contrasts with these beliefs.
What happens when we die?
How to secure a good life in a volatile world
How to deal with evil
Ali Blundy
Is Christianity a crutch?
What Jesus says about dealing with anxiety
Good Friday – What the death of Jesus Christ means today
Ben Stone
Equity Portfolio Manager at MFS managing $50bn assets
Callum Elwood
Callum is Associate Minister at St. Peter's Barge, Canary Wharf. When he's not looking at the life of Jesus with Wharf workers or exploring London with his wife Sarah, he enjoys a long run, and a decent game of squash.
What would Jesus say to Sam Bankman-Fried?
Life: to the full?
Giuliu Abortivi
For the last three years he has been part of the team at St Helen’s Bishopsgate, working with lunchtime congregations in the City and in the Covent Garden area. Originally form Italy, he has a background in linguistics and Artificial Intelligence.
Jesus the pinnacle of history (Mark 1:14-15)​
The heart of the human problem (Matthew 15:10-20)
Henry Eatock-Taylor
Vicar of St Michael’s Cornhill and heads up the International ministry at St Helen’s; happy to do talks in English and Mandarin.
The ultimate eco-warrior
Ultimate life insurance
Jeremy Anderson
35 years in financial services. Until December 2017 was Chairman of KPMG’s Global Financial Services Practice. Is now a Non-Executive Director of UBS Group AG. He’s been involved at St Helen's for 30 years.
Why is Easter more important than Christmas?
Personal testimony
John Wood
Mandarin speaker, worked in business in Hong Kong and Taiwan with Jardine Matheson Group, has more recently been in full-time Christian ministry. Able to deliver talks in English or Mandarin.
Joel Chia
Joel grew up in Singapore and formerly worked in banking with experience in credit risk and FX sales. Have some experience in understanding Asian, particularly southeast Asian working context. Leads Covent Garden Talks. Married to Matilda, loves football and cycling (a.k.a MAMIL) in the countryside.
Life after death – make belief comfort blanket or verifiable truth?
How can we really know what God is like?
Will Jesus make me happy?
What is eternal life?
John Wood
Mandarin speaker, worked in business in Hong Kong and Taiwan with Jardine Matheson Group, has more recently been in full-time Christian ministry. ​​
Luke Cornelius
Luke is on the staff at St Helen’s Bishopsgate. He is available to meet one-to-one over coffee with anyone who is interested in exploring Christianity.
Marc Doring
Marc was a lawyer for nearly 26 years. He joined a City law firm in 1995 and left law at the end of 2020 having become a Partner and Group Head. He continues to work in the City as a leadership coach and with the City Team at St Helen’s, where he is involved in running partnership bible studies, 1-2-1s, lunchtime talks and CE courses. He is a church warden at Christ Church Mayfair.
What do I have to do to get to heaven? (Mark 10: 24-27)
Did Jesus really die and come back to life - what is the evidence?
What would Jesus make of our corporate values? (Matthew 6:1-4 and Matthew 5:43-48)
Paul Williams
Paul works as part of the city team at St Helen's. He previously worked in the newspaper industry. He is married with three grown up children. ​​​
Simon Congdon
Simon was a partner in a City law firm for 25 years, which included a five year stint in Hong Kong. Simon regularly speaks at and leads Christianity Explored at St Helen’s.
What is the evidence for the Resurrection? (and other apologetic themes)
A gospel talk using four or five works of art
A guided tour of St Helen’s (similar to City Open House)
Simon Pilcher
Simon Pilcher is CEO of USS Investment Management, Britain’s largest pension fund, serving the University sector. He has worked in the City for 37 years, is married to Rachel and has 5 adult children.
“Is belief in Jesus delusional?” (based on John 20v24-31)
“Why Christianity is too hard for us” (based on Luke 18v15-27);
“What and who rules over your life? A Christian perspective” (based on Luke 9v18-27)
Tiff Carter-Whittley
Tiff began her career studying electronic engineering at university, moved on to working as press officer alongside working as an intelligence officer in the Army Reserves. She now works full time as a woman’s worker for St Helen’s Bishopsgate. Tiff enjoys exploring the outdoors, talking to people about Jesus and having a good laugh with friends.
Why is Good Friday called ‘good’?
Why Easter changes everything
Newsflash: a dead man in his thirties comes back to life after three days’ being buried​
Tom Custance
Partner in a law firm.​
Wes Illingsworth
Heads up the City ministry team at St Helen's Bishopsgate.
Where to find God and how to meet him
What’s Easter all about? / The hope of Easter: fact or fiction (John 20:24-31)
Why do Christians celebrate the death of a good man? (John 18:1-11)
The Bible has been burned, banned and remains a best-seller. But what’s it all about - in 7 minutes?
William Taylor
Rector of St Helen's Bishopsgate.
​A platinum plated investment strategy (Matthew 6:19-21)
Three steps to a stress free life (Matthew 6:25-34)
Putting an end to biased judgmentalism (Matthew 7:1-5)
Will Trump
Will Trump has always been fascinated with how people behave. After spending 14 years building Swiss Re's Behavioural Science practice, he now runs Unconventional Wisdom, a consultancy helping business by harnessing psychological insights. Having grown up in Belgium as the son of a vicar, it was when Will got to university that he felt compelled to figure out if he truly believed in Christianity for himself. He found himself going back to basics, looking at the Bible and investigating the Christian claims in detail. What he found convinced him all the more that the Christian message is not only true, but good - and worth building his whole life on. Will is married to Natalie and has two daughters. He is actively involved in his local church in Brentwood and regularly runs discussion groups for those looking into the Christian faith.
Is faith (ir)rational?
Personal testimony: "Son of a preacher man"
Happy to meet with individuals to discuss Christianity
Ziggy Rogoff
Jewish believer in Jesus, PhD in Mathematics, worked at Deutsche and Glencore, now works full time with Jews for Jesus.
Passover Easter?
Personal testimony
Reflections on Jewish suffering